Mike R, Cherry Hill NJ)
"I've been waiting 30 years to find an art dealer as good to work with as you are Anthony,thanks a lot!"
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27 Collectible
5 Sexy Babes in Flooded Whore House
Woody Kimbrell
Army Guy Calling Sweetheart Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's
Reamer Keller
Army Guy Gets Head Chewed Off Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's Signed
Reamer Keller
Army Guy in Guard House Family Party Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's Signed
Reamer Keller
Army Guy Nose to Grand Stone Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's Signed
Reamer Keller
Army Guy with New Twins Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's Signed
Reamer Keller
Army Reconnaissance Bikini Babes Humorama Gag - 1960 Signed
Charles Dennis
Artist Thumbnail Sketches - 8 x 10
Al Kaufman
Artist: Davis - Hawaiian Hula Topless Dancer - Humorama 1960
Art Various
Artist: DeCarlo - Couple in Restaurant Mink Coat - Humorama 1955
Art Various
Artist: Enif - Topless Mermaid Gag - Humorama 1960's
Art Various
Artist: J. Daley - Babe in Undies Dress Gag - 1960 Humorama
Art Various
Artist: Kaz - Hot Babes w/ Apartment - Published Romp 1971 - Humorama...
Art Various
Nick Damato
Babe on Couch Wants Guy - Humorama 1959
Don Eaton
Baby / Cigar Mixup Gag - True Mag 1950
Chon Day
Bikini Babes at Beach Humorama Gag - 1964 Signed
Irv Hagglund
Blond in the Bushes and Sky Writer B&W Art
Art Various
Boxing Gag - 1965 Humorama
George Davis
Bra Shop Heavy Woman Gag
Reamer Keller
Butcher Calling Babe a Piece of Meat Humorama Gag - 1950's Signed
Charles Dennis
Cheating Wife Humorama Gag - 1958 Signed
DH. Dirksen
Country Well Air Raid Gag
Reamer Keller
Couple on a Date Chasing Chickens Humorama Gag - 1956
Charles Dennis
Cute Wife Cooking Newspaper Humorama Gag - True - 1945 Signed
Reamer Keller
Doctor / Patient Operation Humorama Gag - 1950s Signed
Evan Diamond
Doggie Sweater on Husband Gag - Pencil Tonal Art 1943
Reamer Keller
Drunk Needs a Ride Home Gag - 1946 Signed
Leonard Dove
Dust of Paw - 1960's
Reamer Keller
Echo Husband Wife Humorama Gag - 1950s Signed
Evan Diamond
Eskimo Gag - Signed
A.S. Habbick
Exterminator Rats Gag
Reamer Keller
Famous Last Whirls Gag - 1961 Signed
Charles Dennis
Fat Guy Basketball Gag - 1940's
Courtney Dunkel
Fencing School - True 1947 (on board)
Eric Ericson
Fortune Teller Hooker Humorama Gag - Signed
Al Kaufman
G.I. Joe Cigarette Gag - Wartime Saturday Evening Post - 1940 Signed
R.C. Dell
Gossip Humorama Gag - Signed by deCarlo (Not Dan)
Unknown Artist?
Hair Color Gag - 8 x 11
Earl Engleman
High Beam Babe Humorama Gag - 1962 Signed
Charles Dennis
Hooker Tie Sales Girl Humorama Gag - Signed
Hot Weather Painting Museum Gag
Evan Diamond
Humorama 1960 - Cheating Wife Gag
Dare L. Dutter
Hunting / Quicksand Gag - 1960 Signed
Joseph Dawes
Instant Replay of Those Cheerleaders - Football Gag
Reamer Keller
Just Married Gag - Humorama 1960s
Ed Dahlin
Kid Covering Bell Tower Dong School Gag - Signed
Rodney deSarro
Lady Godiva Sent Nude Gag - 1959 Humorama
Howard Douchner
Large Husband Gag
Chon Day
Lingerie Babe Gold Digging Working Girl Humorama Gag - 1960's Signed
L. Harper
Little Army Guy Fighting Big Army Guy - 1940's
Reamer Keller
Maid Gag- Humorama 1965 (6 x 10
Reamer Keller
Man at Door at Babes Apt
Lowell Hoppes
Matador and Football Player Color Playboy Gag - Signed
Alden Erikson
Movie Booth Babe Army / Navy Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's
Reamer Keller
Nude Model Artist Gag - (7 x 6
Nude Model Body Painting -
Earl Engleman
Office Romance - 3 Sexy Secretaries - 1958 Humorama
Homer Provence
Old Married Couple Gag - 1962 Humorama
George Davis
Old Men in Grocery Store - 1944 Signed
R.C. Dell
Parachute 'Keep Off The Glass' Humorama Gag - 1960s Signed
Al Kaufman
Pig and Slop Gag - Farm 1946 - True Magazine
Eric Ericson
Police / Blood hound Gag - True Mag. 1946
Reamer Keller
Poor Baseball Players Gag - 1945
George Green
PT Boat Navy Gag - 7 x 11
Reamer Keller
Safari Group w/ Nude African Women Gag - Signed
Charles Dennis
Santa Candy Canes - 1972
Earl Engleman
School Play Broken Pecker Gag (8 x 10
? Dinezo
Semi Naked Showgirls w/ Hats on Butt - 1959 Humorama
Walter Domalik
Serving Up Show Girl - Humorama 1955
Dare L. Dutter
Set of 6 Art Pieces (6 x 11
Al Kaufman
Sexy Babe at Psychiatrist - B&W Art
Charles Dennis
Sexy Babe Playing Guitar - 1960's Humorama
George Kesner
Sexy babes at Beach Gag
Reamer Keller
Sexy Cave Woman Making Dinosaur Eggs - Late 1959's
Al Kaufman
Sexy Dumb Blond - Humorama 1959
Earl Engleman
Sexy House Wife Gag - Humorama 1964
Frank Darling
Sexy Lingerie Babe Chart - 1962 Humorama
Frank Darling
Sexy Miss 1966 - Humorama
Al Ellis
Sexy Secretary Gold digger Gag - Humorama 1957
George Davis
Sexy Starlet Careboy Gag - 1960's
George Kesner
Ship Captain Photo Gag - Ink Art (8.5 x 8
Chon Day
Smokin Sexy Showgirls - 1960 Humorama
George Davis
Snotty Cavewoman Gag - Signed
Evan Diamond
Status Symbol Car Humorama Gag - 1966 Signed
Irv Hagglund
Steel Workers Blacksmithing Gag - True - 1945 Signed
Reamer Keller
Telephone Gag - 1946 Signed
Rodney deSarro
Time Bomb Playboy Gag - Signed
Alden Erikson
Tom Darcy 1961 Humorama -
Art Various
Track Athlete and Babe Gag - Humorama 1968
Jack Drummey
Two Sexy Blonds - Humorama 1962
Frank Darling
Two Sexy Women's Lib Gals B&W Humorama Gag - 1960s Signed
Al Kaufman
Village Jail Joke - Humorama 1964
Leo Herman
Wartime Army Artist Gag - 1943 Signed
Courtney Dunkel
Wartime Censor Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's Signed
Reamer Keller
Wartime Paratrooper NYC Chrysler Building Gag - Craft Tint - 1940's S...
Reamer Keller
Washington D.C. / Cold Polotician's Gag
Chon Day
Weather Girl Gag - 1970 Humorama
Wizard Greeting Card Humorama Gag - 1967 Signed
Irv Hagglund
Woman Dinner Humorama Gag - 1960 Signed
Charles Dennis
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