ac - Anthony, Rich, Everyone, Thank you for the 11x17 portfolio that was sent as a holiday gift along with the DC Debbi humor art! That made my day! I'll keep an eye out for anything else I might want to buy to take advantage of the 10% discount that applies until the end of the year. Best wishes for a happy holiday season! Regards, Arthur C |
New Jersey native Reilly Brown is a fan-favorite DEADPOOL artist, having worked on several series starring that infamous Merc-With-A-Mouth, including the mutant buddy team-up series of CABLE & DEADPOOL, the supernatural adventure that introduced readers to Deadpool's undead wife, Shiklah, in DEADPOOL: DRACULA'S GAUNTLET, and the time-hopping shenanigans that brought Cable and Deadpool back together in DEADPOOL & CABLE: SPLIT SECOND.
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