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Curt Swan
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DC Comics Presents #91 p.17 - Captain Comic VS Superman - Signed - 19...
Curt Swan
Dave Hunt
Wonder Woman Annual #1 p.28 - Origin of Amazons - 1988
Curt Swan
Bob McLeod
Action #533 pg.15 - Superman Blocks Bullets
Issue: 533, Page: 15
Curt Swan
Frank Chiaramonte
Action Comics #428 p.7 - Flying Equestrian & Superman - 1973
Curt Swan
Murphy Anderson
Action Comics #442 p.1 - 'The Midnight Murder Show' Title Page - 1974
Issue: 442, Page: 1
Curt Swan
Kurt Schaffenberger
Superman #248 pgs. 5 & 6 - Lex Luthor and the Galactic Golem Two Page...
Curt Swan
Murphy Anderson
Superboy Vol.3 #22 - Charles Bronson - 1992
Curt Swan
Bill Wray
DC Comics Presents #77 p.4 - Flying Robot - 1985
Curt Swan
Dave Hunt
Superman Full Figure Drawing on Huge Cloth Banner - 1977
Curt Swan
Superboy Uncle Sam Wants You & Carrying Sports Equipment - 1992 Signe...
Curt Swan
Superman #408 p.2 - 'The Day the Earth Died!' Title Splash - Missiles...
Curt Swan
Al Williamson
Superman #330 p.23 Color Guide Art - Superman and Clark Kent - 1978
Curt Swan
Adrienne Roy
Action Comics #420 p.4 - Towbee Creates a Monster for Superman to Bat...
Curt Swan
Murphy Anderson
New Teen Titans #43 p.18 - LA - Raven and Phobia - Man in a Mouse Maz...
Curt Swan
Romeo Tanghal
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #123 Cover Proof - 1969
Curt Swan
Murphy Anderson
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #130 Cover Proof - 1970
Curt Swan
Murphy Anderson
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen #131 Cover Proof - 1970
Curt Swan
Murphy Anderson
Skull & Bones #3 p.13 - In costume headshot kill! - signed
Curt Swan
Skull & Bones #3 p.21 - Afghanistan - Signed
Curt Swan
Skull & Bones #3 p.26 - Cool Aircraft - Signed
Curt Swan
Skull & Bones #3 p.27 - Main Characters - Signed
Curt Swan
Skull & Bones #3 p.30 - Signed
Curt Swan